Friday, April 24, 2009

Randomness Day 6 wk 1

It's Friday !!!

1. I love it when my husband wakes me up through the night..He! He!

2. When I wake up to a warm morning and I can sit on my porch..drink coffee and watch the sun come up in my pj's...It's great!

3. Opening the windows...turning up the radio and cleaning my house is actually one of my favorite things in the world..Crazy I know..But I find peace in it!

4. My skin is sensitive...bummer. The older I get the worse it gets.

5. Looking through the lens of my camera and knowing instantly that I have captured something great....That makes me feel almost high!!!

1 comment:

Noni Bell said...

LOL! I know what you're talkin about when you capture "the" image you want...That is a high!