Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy time again..

Well its been a while since I have blogged about being happy. I have not been in the mood to blog all that much. Getting well has worn me out. But here it goes.

1. I'm glad to be alive.

2. I'm blessed to have the best friends in the whole world. Friends that will give you a bath, help you to the bathroom, defend you, clean your house and even support your husband at a really stressful time... Yeah! I have the bestest friends ever!!

3. My son made the A/B honor roll!!! I know its Kindergarten..but still!!!

4. I am actually more chipper these days...Pharmaceuticals are wonderful!!

5. I'm happy to know that some friendships never end..even when they have seen rough times.

6. I finally got to clean most of my house..well upstairs anyway!!! Running the sweeper is a now I know why....that about killed me!! I'm a stubborn soul.

7. Im glad to just be happier and healthier and more adjusted these days!